
CreateLED Big LED screens make this 2012 summer events so much Fun

With one of the busiest summers for public events, there a lot happening this summer and there’s nothing like sipping a chilled beer and enjoying the event in the outdoors. Whether it’s Euro 2012 with Spain and Italy or Ireland and Croatia, or Olympics in London, CreateLED’s AirLED high clear big LED screens bring much joy to people who can’t travel to the venue and attend an event.

They can gather at a public space like PUBS & CLUBS where AirLED video wall has been installed and enjoy the atmosphere of the event, without actually being there.

The Euro 2012:
The Euro 2012 is going to be one of the biggest sporting events not only for Europe, but also exited all over the world for football fans. Those who can’t buy the tickets or travel to watch the games at the venue can watch it on big AirLED screens at locations close and convenient to them.
Space is tight? You need to make an impact. Our CreateLED highly lightweight AirLED is your perfect solution on your mobile trailer. Setup in minutes and able to display all types of media from DVD to vivid content from broadcast with the image processer CX-ProHD, AirLED is more and more popular in the world.

With day light viewable high brightness, AirLED-7 LED Display, nominal 7mm enhanced pixel pitch, truly Outdoor water-proof SMD system instead of using the current standard paralyene coating which susceptible to UV “yellowing” effect. It’s an ideal solution for applications which the weight loading limited, and the maximum creative freedom is needed, the most important is which the brightness and waterproof is needed for mobile LED screens.

CreateLED is a world leader that develops, manufactures and markets LED video solutions for both rental and permanent installations. The CreateLED video solution for indoor and outdoor applications are bespoke industry standard on major tours and events, enhancing colors & viewing pleasure in prestigious theaters, world-class car show around the global.
Make an appointment with us: sales@createled.com or info@createled.com
Createled International Pte. Ltd.
Shenzhen CreateLED Electronics Co.,Ltd.
E Building, Jinxiongda Industry Area, Guanlan Town, Shenzhen, P.R.China
Main Tel: +86-755-29588968
Main Fax: +86-755-29588600

